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My name is Gwendolyn Lester - Carson and I am the Executive Director and Founder of "I Will Survive Project, A Domestic Violence Awareness Initiative and referral network system


I WILL SURVIVE Project aka WOUNDS DO HEAL focuses on education, empowerment and the advocacy of Domestic Violence, Sexually Assault -Sex Trade, the Offender including the Incarcerated.  Families are destroyed by this behavior and torn apart by incarceration. Everyone is worthy of attention in receiving Restoration (Healing and Emotional Wellness-Wholeness).


I would also like to bring an attention  an ALARM to a our neighborhood. An immediate threat has hit our culture. Secretly progressing where previously it was labled as  missing children / runaways but not so as the  authorities choosed to have it that way.

A spree of kidnappings , more sexual abuse , our young people are traded and flipped over more that an automatic firearm. But when our children are found and returned back from the rape, the damaged body parts, the mental and emotional affects what are we going to do.  This can happen to your CHILD……. Is healing possible?  ALL HURT MATTERS!!!!!


My passion is to Educate, Empower and Inspire a woman that is undergoing any kind of abuse. (Mentally, Physically, Sexually, Emotionally, Verbally, Psychologically and Spiritually. No abuse is the answer in desiring to be LOVED. Your worth is more precious than rubies. Your life has unlimited value. My faith was the glue. Understanding who I am was the power I needed to overcome it all. And you can do it too! 


From a child to an adult. From a daughter, mother, wife, spiritual mentor and friend the challenges were great but the reward was even greater.



Educational Workshops

Teach the dynamics of Domestic Violence, the cycle of abuse and how to develop a “safety plan. Prevention and Preservation. Presentation of learning modules about making choices; discovering that they are not at fault for the abuse; Building self-esteem and learning self-empowerment.


Specialty Programs:

Crisis Counseling and Financial Counseling




Teen Support Group


Educational Workshops: Educate and empower bringing out skills to resolve conflict to end learned behavior of domestic violence and build healthy relationships.


Specialty Topics

Self Esteem Building

Teen Dating Abuse



Staff and Board of Directors


Goal is to protect public interest assuring that the agency serves effectively. Keeping well informed about the activities of the agency and communicating appropriate information to the general public. Assist in making decisions that will guide the agency beyond concern for mere survival of the agency, but also the reputation of board members and volunteering staff membership.




HOTLINE- 1-800-572-SAFE (7233 )- Teen/Young Adult Hotline 1-888-222-2228


Warning Signs of Abuse

Because relationships exist on a spectrum, it can be hard to tell when a behavior crosses the line from healthy to unhealthy or even abusive. Use these warning signs of abuse to see if your relationship is going in the wrong direction:

Checking your cell phone or email without permission

Constantly putting you down

Extreme jealousy or insecurity

Explosive temper

Isolating you from family or friends

Making false accusations

Mood swings

Physically hurting you in any way


Telling you what to do

Repeatedly pressuring you to have sex



Is My Relationship Healthy?

In a healthy relationship:

Your partner respects you and your individuality.

You are both open and honest.

Your partner supports you and your choices even when they disagree with you.

Both of you have equal say and respected boundaries.

Your partner understands that you need to study or hang out with friends or family.

You can communicate your feelings without being afraid of negative consequences.

Both of you feel safe being open and honest.


A good partner is not excessively jealous and does not make you feel guilty when you spend time with family and friends. A good partner also compliments you, encourages you to achieve your goals and does not resent your accomplishments.


My Partner Doesn’t Physically Hurt Me?

Just because there is no physical abuse in your relationship doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It’s not healthy if your partner:

Is inconsiderate, disrespectful or distrustful.

Doesn't communicate their feelings.

Tries to emotionally or financially control you by placing your money in their banking account.

Keeps you from getting a job or gets you fired.

Humiliates you on Facebook or in front of your friends.

Threatens to out you to your family.


So, Is My Relationship Unhealthy?

Everybody deserves to be in a healthy relationship free from violence.

Drawing the line between unhealthy and abusive can be hard.

If you think your relationship is going in the wrong direction, check out the warning signs of abuse.



RAPE is an invasion of a person’s inner space. VIOLATED! Just like when someone’s home gets Robbed or BROKEN INTO, personal belonging s have been looked over, touched and taken TREASURES SNATCHED!!


Before you can blink to understand what was truly happening you were ripped from what was private, personal , it belonged to ME…. SNATCHED!! Did they tell you to Get over it…HOW???!!!


No one should handle this PAIN ALONE… Physical and Emotional Trauma, Loss of TRUST, Low Self Esteem, REJECTION, Abandoned. Depression. Loss of Control, Worthlessness, Nightmares, Withdrawal from others, Marital problems. IT’S A SILENT KILLER.


Rape affects EVERYONE. How you socialize and communicate with someone. It destroys GOOD relationships. You might can’t keep a job or have to keep moving from one place to another – In and out of Relationships marital problems . RAPE HURTS!!! 


Learn the facts (RAPE IS A CRIME) Reduce the Risk. Connect with a support group, RELEASE and RECOVER. – LET THE PROCESS BEGIN! IT IS NEVER TOO LATE –Remember it is NOT ABOUT THEM… IT’S ABOUT YOU.


If you or a loved one has been sexually assaulted contact the Rape-Abuse-Incest Line 1800-656-HOPE or CALL ME LET’S TALK, HELP IS ON THE WAY.


The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit Psalm 34:18

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